Broad Applications of Anthropology

On this website you will find details about my academic work both as an ethnographer working in the field as well as a teacher in the classroom.  While many anthropologists may be considered "academics," an increasing number are finding work in less traditional settings for the discipline.  As social scientists, anthropologists do a great deal more outside of academia than you may have thought.  This work includes not only non-profit organizations and non-governmental organizations for which anthropologists have often worked but also the for-profit sector of multi-national and other corporations.

Here is a small collection of articles and information which reveal how the relevance of anthropological theory and practice is being recognized in non-academic settings, particularly in the corporate setting.

"Anthropologists at Work" (National Association for the Practice of Anthropology)

"Anthropology: Education for the 21st Century" (American Anthropological Assoc)

"Hot Asset in Corporate" (USA Today)

"Anthropologists on the Job" (CS Monitor)

"Anthropologists go Native in Corporate Village" (Fast Company)